台北 [Coffee & People]
Ink Column 每日英文: 食記~
[台中.西區] 食記 Coffee & People
FB: goo.gl/HllXsV
IG: coffee_people_
地址: 台中市西區向上路一段79巷66弄21號
Address: No.21, Aly. 66, Ln. 79, Sec. 1, Xiangshang Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 403, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
捷運: 無
MRT: no
電話: (02) 2302 1180
營業時間:Mon~Sun 9:00-18:00
服務費: no
限時: no
Road trip can help you heal whatever grudges you are holding, not a cure-all but it does do the tricks in most cases, for me at least. Road trip is a lot like running, one really get the time to talk to oneself and figure things out. But one needs to be super cautious not to tailgate or engage in any type of road rage, or you will end up holding more grudges. Though Patty and I only driven to Taichung 5 times or so, we do love this one little coffee shop that we found when we were home deco shopping. Its latte is something between a regular latte and a cafe au lait, which we believe to have the perfect ratio.
跟琪姐台中兩天一夜行5次不算多,5次中有3次都會到這間 Coffee & People 買一杯它的拿鐵,米琪本來就不怎麼喝咖啡,拿鐵有喝,但不愛,點拿鐵很多時候只是不想看menu,現在養身體喝的更少,米琪常以卡卡代拿鐵,出遊的話就不用那麼執著囉,想喝什麼就喝,Coffee & People 拿鐵奶佔的比例多,感覺是牛奶咖啡跟拿鐵生的,3次都是外帶,向上路79巷這附近很多居家店,買了邊喝邊逛,3次間隔都有個半年,口味沒怎麼變,這是對一間店忠誠度的考驗,口味維持才能養成對一間店的 loyalty,台中店舖感覺翻店頻率沒台北大,3次台中遊發現新開了不少新的店舖,卻不影響有用心經營的店~
★★★★★ I want it all! 通通都要!
★★★★ pretty darn good 挺不錯喔
★★★ sort of like it 過的去囉
★★ only if I am hungry 除非很餓
★ won't see you again... 沒有下次...
★★★★☆ 四顆星
少喝含咖啡因的飲料了,也就更珍惜每次喝拿鐵的機會,Coffee & People 比重還能佔這麼高,那肯定有它好的特質囉。Coffee & People 在西區,偏了些,來這也沒有一堆人跟妳擠,整條巷內都有特色店,耗個ㄧ小時ㄐㄉ沒問題喔。每次米琪都會撿些好物回家~