

每日英文: 會話~

Los Angeles Pt.4

So, let's say if we hit the road today driving from L.A. To Frisco (short for San Francisco, Frisco 是三藩市的暱稱,也可以只說 San Fran) and the car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, what should you do? 假設現在我們正從L.A.往三藩市的路上開,車子突然拋錨,該怎麼辦?加州本來就是沙漠,所以,牛仔很忙在西部.....XD (West Coast 西岸),不會是東部 (East Coast 東岸)

Whether or not a fan of American football, everyone must've heard of Dallas Cowboys 不用熱衷於美式足球,但大家應該都聽過達拉斯牛仔隊,達拉斯在德州屬於西岸。加州 or we love to call it "Cali" 既然是沙漠,水資源就很缺乏,尤其是南加州,水都是北加州地下水接給南加州。所以,可以想像開長途一路上是很荒涼的,休息站、加油站、城鎮相隔可以很遠。西岸開長途有三寶,哪三寶?沙漠、風滾草(tumbleweed,就是西部牛仔片裡常出現的球狀雜草)、仙人掌,ㄟ,沙灘、海浪勒??,抱歉,如果看到沙灘、海浪的話,多半是海市蜃樓,那你......趕緊打電話求救。

So, before you hit the road, make sure you have your car tire pressure checked, your picnic basket filled and your phone charged at all time! 也就是說,下次有機會開長途,千萬記得要查看胎壓、帶足吃的,然後手機一定要隨時充飽! You never know when you will need roadside assitance 別認為不會,隨時都要有用上道路救援的警覺心! Next up we will talk about roadside assitance~^^


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