

每日英文: 會話~

Los Angeles Pt.3

Continuing on with the much loved (and hated) city we call L.A. 繼續聊聊令人又愛 (又恨) 的這個叫洛杉磯的城市。Ok, why the hate? 好,為什麼討厭呢?Mostly the traffic, the long commute and the fear of being discriminated against. 大至上歸咎于塞車、通勤跟害怕遭到不公平待遇(種族歧視)。It might sound strange to hear this from someone who had lived there close to 20yrs 從一個曾在那住過將近20年的人嘴裏聽到這個可能會覺得有些奇怪 But you are being judged by the color of your skin, not how much time you had spent living in L.A. or any city in The States. 但事實上你所受到的待遇跟你住在那多久沒太大關係,而是由你的膚色來決定的。1992 L.A. Riot 洛城暴動就顯示洛杉磯種族間的敏感微妙關係,警察為了自身安全造成傷亡案件層出不窮,當然,這跟美國槍枝管理太鬆有關,美國有不少州車上甚至身上放槍枝是合法的,全美都允許家裡放合法槍枝。

On the lighter side, there is actually a 80's song called "I love L.A." by Randy Newman, hope y'all like it! (y'all = you all) 輕鬆下,影片有字幕 (captions),good song, 聽聽~~剛說了通勤很痛苦 commuting is always painful but roadtrip is fun 開長途確是很好玩的,我覺得啦 XD,邊開邊大口吃垃圾食物音樂開超大聲,是不是很過癮? L.A. is 2hrs from San Diego and Tijuana (美國邊境的墨西哥城市), 洛杉磯離聖地牙哥跟、Tijuana 2個小時,6hrs from San Francisco 離三藩市 6小時,4hrs from sin city 離罪惡城市 4小時。滑雪開兩個小時就到 Big Bear Lake 大熊湖。路上還會經過不少 outlet 暢貨中心!下回就來分享一些 roadtrip experience 開長途的點點滴滴~


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