每日英文: 會話~
predicament 困境、尷尬的狀況。Most likely has something to do with predicting 應該跟 predict (預計、猜測) 脫不了關係。pre (之前) + dict (講述),dica ≈ dict。例: indicate (指示) = in + dica。I am running into this predicament of make good of my work or calling it quit 現在遇到的困境是若不好好證明給大家看我的能力的話那可能就真的要放棄了。The solution to the predicament of getting caught between in a line of fire is to get yourself out of that difficult position fast 避免遭遇到被夾殺受池魚之殃的困境最好方法就是儘快遠離不被包夾