台北 [Toasteria 吐司利亞 敦南店]
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燒肉祖師爺乾杯早午餐祖師爺非 Toasteria 莫屬
[台北.大安] 食記 Toasteria 吐司利亞 敦南店
Toasteria 吐司利亞 敦南店 店家資訊
Toasteria 吐司利亞 官網:Toasteria 吐司利亞
Toasteria 吐司利亞 敦南店 FB: Toasteria 吐司利亞 敦南店
Toasteria 吐司利亞 IG: Toasteria 吐司利亞
Toasteria 吐司利亞 敦南店 地址:台北市大安區敦化南路ㄧ段169巷3號
Address: No.3, Ln. 169, Sec. 1, Dunhua S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
捷運: 板南線(BL 5號線、藍線)忠孝敦化站7/8號出口步行3分鐘
MRT: Bannan Line (BL Line 5, Blue Line) Zhongxiao Dunhua Station -> Exit 7/8 -> 3mins by foot
Toasteria 吐司利亞 敦南店 電話: 02-27520033
Toasteria 吐司利亞 敦南店 營業時間:
Mon~Fri 11:00-01:00
Sat~Sat 09:00-01:00
限時:1.5hr if busy
訂位:better if you do
Toasteria ought to be the reigning champ for the longest running chain-hipster-joint title in Taipei
though it had transformed itself many a times, given the fast-changing market.
Since its beginning in '08, there had been countless visits and many happy encounters at Toasteria.
Whenever the word Toasteria is mentioned, it always brings me big smile.
Whenever I am lost in a sea of eateries, Toasteria always comes to the rescue.
Places such as The Wall Live House, The Tavern, The Brassmonkey etc. all will go down in my history book the top places for quirky moments.
But Toasteria is where the night would start and where the party wraps up.
So, Toasteria is the beginning and the end to all those precious hours spent and money wasted, LOL.
回想起來過去10年到訪 Toasteria 的次數還真不少,跑趴前喝一杯、宿醉隔天早餐或者單純想吃它的panini。
TGI Friday, Chilli's, Hooters 來了又走了,只有 Toasteria 保持高人氣
妳在胡說什麼? 他們不都好好地都健在?
其實 Toasteria 才懶得跟它們一般見識,Toasteria 不是 family restaurant。
Toasteria 目前共有兩間店面: Haagen Daz 巷子裡的敦南店 & 鼎泰豐隔壁永康店
目前 menu 上越來越豐富,茶米愛吃某樣餐點通常都會重複點
之前最愛 Three Cheese 三種起司,吃過總有20-30次
★★★★★ I want it all! 通通都要!
★★★★ pretty darn good 挺不錯喔
★★★ sort of like it 過的去囉
★★ only if I am hungry 除非很餓
★ won't see you again... 沒有下次...
總結: ★★★★✭ 4顆半星
偏心也好是記憶弄人也好,就是愛 Toasteria 這一味
永康店把品牌做大了,但還是愛原先小路邊 corner trattoria / deli 型態
之前也蠻愛的一間 Queens Kitchen 在敦化上,大又寬敞,可惜不一會兒就銷聲匿跡。
各位周末晚上活動前或者晚上活動後隔天,不妨也來 Toasteria 走一趟~
茶米點了經典早餐 Classic Breakfast (NT 330)
琪姊點了茶米之前最愛的三種起司帕尼尼 Three Cheese Panini (NT 170)