

每日英文: 會話~

Los Angeles Pt.8 (Lake Tahoe)

I get excited just thinking about taking the roadtrip from Cali to Vegas. Who doesn't? Afterall, there is so much you could do at Vegas. You could sip champagne on the rooftop, show your 6 packs at a water park or show your wild side at a club. On the flip side of things, water park is just a park and that gorgeous pool on the rooftop is just a pool, you don't get a real waterfront and also not a whole lot of green, mostly you see just hotels and barren desert. 不管誰計畫去賭城,離那啟程的日期越近你是越輾轉難眠,恨不得馬上時針往前快轉。 (At my age, I really want to turn back the clock. XD 到某個年齡,我想時光倒轉恰當些,哈) 記得之前有朋友在賭城一間 Flamingo 做公關,常常可以拿到不錯的 room rate,這位朋友真的是佛心來的,因為我們也不是什麼大咖,最多拉拉霸玩個吃角子老虎,Black Jack 桌上小玩幾把過過癮。

There is actually a lake about 30 mins away from Vegas called Lake Mead 米德湖, but, you know I am going to say but here, but what? Yes, it's man-made and it's a reservoir. Meaning it's not natural, well, duah..... 說賭城只有飯店跟沙漠,是並不那麼公平,30分鐘距離就可以到米德湖,缺點是它是人造的,同時又是個水庫......到賭城你能想像花時間跑去水庫游水?..............恩,我想機率不高。

有個地方讓你可以享受賭城的一切,除此之外,你還可以享受到賭城所享受不到的。這麼好康? 那這地方在哪? 那.....就......是 Lake Tahoe,太浩湖~

太浩湖從洛杉磯往西北方向開車約8個小時,位於加州跟內華達州中間,在海拔兩千公尺高山上,有長滿高聳松樹的森林 (forest with pine tree) 圍繞著湖畔,夏天可以租船到湖上過夜,冬天可以到 Mt. Rose 滑雪。People call it "Big Blue" or "The Hoe." Well, I think people there would prefer the name Big Blue. If I hear someone say to me: "I am having fun at The Hoe." That just don't sound nice, does it? The Hoe 很不好聽,會想歪,這麼漂亮的地方 Big Blue 這個名字適合多了。春天涼爽一點的天氣可以去 horseback trail riding 中文好像是徑騎,不確定,徑騎就是在延綿的山路小徑上騎著馬看風景。湖畔旁很多渡假村和 trailer park 露營區。

台灣最近非常瘋露營,朋友最近常去都還沒有跟到。話說美國一般家裡除了都有游泳池,有車庫可以停好幾台車 (Man is not a man without his garage! 哭哭,好想要一個屬於自己的車庫喔),可能好野一點的還會有一台 trailer 露營車。講到哪裡去了啦,好,就是太浩湖可以開露營車一家人去那紮營就對了。有這樣好的大自然環境自然活動多到數不清,這裡只列舉幾項。There are just countless activities one can do at Lake Tahoe. Boy, do I wish to go back there!! 

約莫10幾年前去是住在一間叫做 The Coachman Hotel,那時沒現下精緻,連上網看改變好大,之前是粉復古,70年代就營業到現在不復古也很難,哈。那時選它基本上是負責訂房的朋友太晚訂,這間又還算便宜,才去這,誤打誤撞。現在它整個走時尚路線,用上大量木材 (自從開始木作之後,就抵擋不住木頭的誘惑啊)。它離湖畔不遠景色自然怡人。

那次去,大部分就是烤肉、簡餐、速食,只吃了一間還算像樣的,現在回想起來其實這間還算不錯。那時網路也沒那麼容易上,智慧型手機都沒有的年代,行前做功課也不方便。所以,這間是怎樣找到的? 對,還是誤打誤撞 XD。 飯店前面不都是有很多小張小張的卡片介紹當地 tourist attraction? The Beacon Bar & Grill 就是這樣找到的。這間10幾年如一日,現在還是當時的樣子。它外表可能不怎麼上相,但它的 baby back ribs 烤排骨大餐可是非常厲害的。

So, if you want to get entertained, Vegas isn't the only choice. Nonetheless, I admit hotels are that much grander and shows are that much enjoyable at Vegas. Celion Dion or Elton John are not going to host concert at Lake Tahoe. But then you are not visiting the Big Blue for big stars. 到太浩湖也可以賭上一把,只是看不到大牌藝人表演,但去太浩湖是一個截然不同的心態跟享受。下次去加州千萬不要一頭熱的要去 Sin City,也考慮一下太浩湖吧~

講到滑雪,就不能不提到 Bear Mountain Ski Resort 大熊湖滑雪勝地,下次就來聊聊大熊湖囉~


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