
Napa Valley sunset.jpg

每日英文: 會話~

Los Angeles Pt.6 (Napa Valley)

Not far from San Francisco, we have the famous Napa Valley, the wine country~ 愛喝紅酒的,到了三藩市,那當然要走一趟納帕谷~

There are a lot of good vineyards at Napa Valley. 整條 St. Helena Highway 128 公路 Napa 到 Calistoga 中間40分鐘車程酒莊、城堡比比皆是。就算不是為了品酒去,光風景就值回票價。More than just wine, you could ride the Wine Train from morning 'til dawn stopping by selective wineries or fly in a hot air balloon at sunrise. Wine train is good for novices, experts alike and kids are allowed, so, ideal for friends, couples and family. I haven't had the chance to ride it but friends who did all said it was a blast! I will definitely take it for a ride if I ever get the chance~^^ 

本人對紅酒的了解....停留在喜歡哪幾個牌子 (Cloudy Bay, Hécula, Terra Andina...)、種類 (Pinot Noir, Merlot...),進步空間還很大 XD. So, basically I was a novice when I visited Napa and still am right now, LOL. 那時去 Napa 菜鳥一個,也不怎麼愛喝紅酒,現在是蠻常喝啦,不過還是很菜就是了 ><

But speaking out by direct instinct, what I like are wines that are more rich and intense. Wine that make my tastebuds sing and dance is a good pointer for good wine. 既然不那麼懂,只好靠直覺,基本上喜歡豐富跟強烈一點的,感覺味蕾在跳舞時就沒錯囉。

那時一路跑了三間酒莊,印象比較深刻的是 Frank Family Vineyards。伴隨一路 tasting 的人員講解的非常仔細,一邊侃侃而談紅酒歷史、製酒過程,還不忘串插一些八卦趣聞,因為 Frank Family Vineyards 老闆 Frank 之前是迪斯尼台高階主管 ,不少好看的影集聽說都有經過其手,像 Family Ties (天才家庭), Home Improvement (家居裝飾),都非常經典。因為這樣的關係,賈斯丁、Christina Aguilera、布蘭妮還是童星的時候有到過酒莊。有一次,賈斯丁不聽話闖禍被星媽揪耳朵,罵慘XD,此一時彼一時,那時賈斯丁默默無名,也就沒人注意。However, the staff did mention Justin was a little brat back then who deserved to be punished. 店員有說賈斯丁那時是真的夠調皮的,被罵活該XD。

Napa Valley 有廣大的平原、葡萄園,遠處有洛磯山脈 (Los Angeles、Rocky Mountain 被翻成洛杉磯、洛磯,但兩個並沒有直接關係,蠻有趣)。夕陽下山時,粉紅色的雲、橘色的山脈,非常 romantic! 
準備要求婚的朋友,Napa Valley 相信會是一個不錯的選擇喔~


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