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每日英文: 會話~

Los Angeles Pt.5

When you find yourself stranded on a roadtrip, there is always the option of you hitchhiking by letting your leg all hang all, or you could simply call roadside assistance 萬一害怕的事情還是發生了,車子給它拋錨柳,你會露大腿當阻街女郎/牛郎路上攔車?打給N年沒聯絡的同學來救你?或者棄車用走的?.........別鬧了,沙漠有禿鷹###><好嗎?打給道路救援比較實際啦,免得被當獵物上賊車、遇到瘋子或給禿鷹給啃了。

In The States, almost everyone has AAA or Triple A,類似台灣TMS全鋒。台灣南北5小時路程,開到人煙罕至的地方機率不大,車有乖乖定期保養的話,在台灣持有道路救援會員的意義不大 it's a good to have but not a must have. 美國就不一樣了,美國非常依賴車代步,車車天天開,塞車一直停停走走,對車很傷,也很常忙到忘記定期保養,對於臨時發生的狀況必須有些保障。記得有幾次鑰匙反鎖在車裡 (lock-out),沒人方便送鑰匙,還好有 AAA 才得已解決困境。另外,在沒有 google map 的年代,開長途都有習慣去 AAA 拿免費地圖 (在美國幾乎人車一本 Rand McNally 大本地圖,好事多都有賣,但去某些特定城市 AAA 地圖會標示的詳細一些)。另外一提,碰到不是持卡人自己開車,而是乘坐他人駕駛的車,AAA 認人不認車,也會負責!

Depending on your membership package, AAA towing service covers up to a certain distance per trip and only so many times are allowed per year. 不同會員等級 AAA 拖車服務所含的哩程數、一年拖車次數不等。Now that you know it is important to sign up for AAA in The States, remember to also watch your speed while you are driving, cause CHP (California Highway Patrol) not only creeps on you from behind but also from above your head! AAA won't cover your speeding ticket! AAA 可不會幫妳繳罰單,開車多注意行駛速度,加州道路警察不只偷偷從後面追上來,還會乘直升機從頭上抓!! And if you are dosing off, please just pull over and take a nap 如果開到喥咕,麻煩你趕緊停靠路邊小睡一下嚕。


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